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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Wow your customers with convincing service

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

With you, the customer is always king? You want to improve customer satisfaction in your business? And of course you want to be that crucial step ahead of the competition as well? With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service, you offer your customers the seamless service they expect. You also provide your service teams with all important information in the right place at the right time.

Benefit from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Dynamics 365 Customer Service is a modern, cloud-based solution from Microsoft that helps companies to offer their customers an efficient and personalized service. With this solution, service agents can receive and process customer inquiries via various channels such as telephone, email or chat. The integration of artificial intelligence makes it possible to analyze customer interactions and gain insights to speed up processing and increase customer satisfaction. Companies can personalize service by using a 360-degree view of the customer to customize each interaction. Dynamics 365 Customer Service also offers features for self-service portals, knowledge management, automation of service processes and the creation of reports and dashboards to manage performance and productivity.

Important aspects of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Generative AI and automation

Support your customer service employees with generative AI and automation. These technologies enable more efficient processes and better service quality


 Customers can obtain information, exchange information in communities or solve simple queries themselves without direct employee contact. A portal and, if required, an integrated chat bot are available for this purpose.

 Intuitive helpdesk solution

 A user-friendly interface makes it easier for service experts and agents to process service requests quickly and efficiently.

Optimized service processes

 Dynamics 365 Customer Service helps with the management of customer processes, activities, knowledge articles and email templates.

360-degree view of the customer

With a comprehensive view of the customer, you can seamlessly respond to requests and provide personalized solutions.

Real results

Microsoft itself has successfully used Dynamics 365 Customer Service to optimize its customer service processes and achieve better results

Increase customer loyalty with Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Dynamics 365 Customer Service enables companies to interact more efficiently with their customers and increase customer satisfaction. With features such as automatic conversation summarization based on AI models, agents can quickly capture and respond to the key points of a customer conversation. These summaries are particularly useful for documenting steps already taken to resolve issues. With features such as AI-powered service automation, personalized dashboards and the ability to interact across multiple channels, support teams can work more efficiently and help customers faster and more accurately. In addition, Dynamics 365 Customer Service helps to increase productivity and reduce costs by having simple requests handled by virtual agents (ChatBots) and providing frequently asked questions via a self-service portal.

One solution for all channels

Omnichannel customer service: Provides a scalable, consistent service experience across multiple channels, including self-service portals, in-person support and field service. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service helps companies grow with the demands of the market in a carbon-neutral way.

Efficient processes

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service not only simplifies the work of your employees, you also benefit from efficient processes and ensure higher service quality. Offer first-class customer service and increase customer loyalty with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service.

Our services for your business

You have questions about Dynamics 365 Customer Service?

You would like to know more about the solution? Then please contact me.

Udo Burbrink

Head of Business Unit
Microsoft Dynamics

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